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Experience the Magic of Equine Assisted Therapy

Updated: Apr 23

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the stresses of everyday life? Do you long for a weekend away from it all, surrounded by nature and tranquillity? Look no further than Angel House Australia Foundation, which offers a unique and transformative experience through Equine Assisted Therapy. Equine Assisted Therapy is a powerful form of therapy that utilizes horses to help individuals overcome challenges and achieve personal growth. At Angel House Australia, founder and director Mel Mardon, a registered Specialist Behaviour Support Practitioner and Provider with the NDIS, has over twenty-six years of experience in using horses, nature, and domestic animals in therapy. With proven outcomes and amazing results, Mel Mardon and her team are dedicated to helping clients transform their lives and reach their self-identified goals. The picturesque setting at Angel House Australia is the perfect backdrop for this magical therapy. The equine facilities is a safe and comfortable environment for both clients and horses. The serene surroundings create a peaceful atmosphere that promotes relaxation and healing. Equine Assisted Therapy sessions at Angel House Australia offer a unique opportunity for clients to engage with horses in a variety of ways. From grooming to leading, and even riding under the guidance of experienced therapists, these interactions serve as a mirror, reflecting the client's emotions and shedding light on their own behavior and patterns. This unique bond with the horses fosters a deeper self-understanding and the development of new coping strategies, making Equine Assisted Therapy a truly transformative experience. However, Equine Assisted Therapy is not just about horses. Angel House Australia also collaborates with various providers to offer a comprehensive mental health and well-being approach. From occupational therapists to psychologists, speech pathologists to physiotherapists, the Angel House Australia team ensures clients have access to the support they need to thrive. Angel House Australia is not limited to Equine Assisted Therapy. We offer a comprehensive range of programs designed to meet diverse needs. Our Behaviour Intervention Intensive Support program provides targeted assistance for individuals with challenging behaviors, while the Work Experience & Horsemanship Training program offers valuable skills development opportunities. The Psychosocial Program focuses on fostering social and emotional skills, and the Effective Parenting Program provides guidance and support for parents. This diverse range of programs underscores our commitment to promoting holistic well-being. If you require a break from the everyday stresses of life, Angel House Australia also offers short-term accommodation and respite services. The charming accommodations ensure you will leave refreshed, revitalised and motivated after your stay. At Angel House Australia, the magic of Equine-Assisted Therapy awaits. Whether you're seeking personal growth, support for a loved one, or simply a rejuvenating getaway, this unique therapy can provide the transformative experience you're looking for. Don't wait any longer; take the first step towards a brighter future and book your session at Angel House Australia today.

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